October 8, 2008

How can Santa Fe - made the decision to hire Mexican Nationals (NOT US citizens) as “law enforcement ?

santa fe new mexico
Zoe asked:

Just when I thought politics in New Mexico could not possibly become any more bizarre - they did. The police department for the state capitol - Santa Fe - has made the decision to hire Mexican Nationals (NOT US citizens) as “law enforcement” officers. In this way, the new Mexican (not US) police officers can ensure that illegal immigrants are given the special privileges the anarchistic hordes have decided they deserve. And, New Mexico has begun the secession from the US, in order to no longer have to adhere to its pesky laws.
See more at……..http://greatmindsthinkright.com/more.php?id=704_0_1_0_M
My question is this legal to do ?
I would like to know can they legally do this.

Filed under Law Enforcement & Police by Administrator

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Comments on How can Santa Fe - made the decision to hire Mexican Nationals (NOT US citizens) as “law enforcement ? »

October 11, 2008

Rick R. @ 1:45 pm

Remember that mexicans have more right on new mexico than you will probably have since they inhabited there before you, now and will be there when you die, remember that new mexico was part of mexico???

Im glad about those actions…

October 12, 2008

AAA @ 8:48 pm

I couldn’t agree more. Why would anyone want someone from another country policing our country? This isn’t the middle east? *grins*

October 13, 2008

laughter_every_day @ 8:13 pm

Most states set the minimum requirements for police officers, but the individual departments then set additional requirements. You would have to read the New Mexico statutes governing the subject to know if New Mexico requires that all police officers be U.S. citizens. I doubt if that requirement exists. It is not a requirement in other states where I have lived.

October 16, 2008

mikeysco @ 3:45 am

Zoe, you intrigue me. On the one hand, I’ve seen what I thought were very anti-police posts from you, and then there’s this…which I guess could still be very anti-police.

Anyway, always check your sources. Start with this one:

Which says that the guys who do the recruiting were running their mouths about “alternative approaches” to recruiting. There’s no quote from anyone who says they are considering hiring Mexican nationals.

The only thing they say is that they want to know why naturalization can’t be sped up for Mexican Nationals who want to be cops, since it’s evidently done for those who want to enlist in the military. If it was done, then those who went through the process would no longer be Mexican Nationals.

In fact, the Chief of the department specifically points out that hiring a Mexican National would be prohibited.

There’s also nothing on the SFPD website that talks about any plans to hire Mexican Nationals.

October 19, 2008

tmilestc @ 12:16 am

Can I answer the second question first? It’s the Gov they can do what they please. Especially if NM has home rule as WI does. If you don’t know about HOME RULE check it out it’s scary because it has been abused by so many state and local governments. this was the biggest part of how WI got so messed up
To the body of your question. NM has a history of that. they used Apaches to hunt Apaches because whites couldn’t. perhaps that’s what they are doing now but an ounce of foresight will tell you that this will fail. Even if all goes well for a few years an illegal will get into the job just because it will give him access to extra money by helping more illegals get into America. This is what I would call a truly stupid idea.
There should be a national law about citizenship for law enforcement so it was also lack of foresight by the U.S. Gov that allowed this to happen.

October 22, 2008

robbocop @ 6:12 am

Maybe the mayor of Santa Fe has been reading Yahoo Answers and is actually stupid enough to believe all the inane ranting on here about how corrupt American police are and decided they would be better off hiring illegal immigrants. Maybe your tactics are paying off after all Zoe.

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